Purely Local
In Michigan, many of us take for granted the sweet smell of boiling maple sap and the tasty syrup that results. As I type, I'm looking at a table brimming with maple products in the Nature Center's small store. Pure maple syrup, two kinds of maple candy and even maple glazed popcorn is all there to tempt the palate!
Buying Michigan maple products is a great way to start the year off right by buying local food. Buying local has a great effect on your environmental "footprint" and people are beginning to realize the many benefits of becoming a "locovore" (someone who buys local food). Food from far away consumes large amounts of fossil fuels which are used up as goods are shipped thousands of miles over land and sea. Local foods are also fresher and come in a many tasty varieties you simply can't find in most grocery stores. Buying food from local farmers helps preserve plant diversity and also supports the local economy.
This year, check the label before you buy and seek out locally-grown foods. Visit the Farmer's Market, a roadside stand, or better yet join a Community Supported Agriculture group (CSA). Watch for more information about CSAs in another post soon!
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