All About Energy
Experts agree, saving energy at home is one of the best ways we can live more lightly on the planet - and save LOTS of money! Type some keywords into a search engine (such as GoodSearch!) and literally millions of sites pop up where you can get more information on the topic.
Where do you start with such an overwhelming amount amount of information? Try this excellent website run by the Federal Trade Commission: Here you'll find a cartoon image of a home with different rooms highlighted. Just click on the garage, trash room, utility room, living room, kitchen or attic and you're immediately whisked to pages which provide a wealth of easy-to-use information on a wide variety of topics.
Want something a little deeper? Then conduct your own home energy audit at the Home Energy Saver: After inputting some information, this site computes your home's energy use based on methods developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory using models by the U.S. Department of Energy.
These sites are only two examples of the many sources of good information on how to save energy at home. Once you begin, you might find the hardest part was simply making the decision to get started!
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