Monday, April 4, 2011

The Test Tube with David Suzuki

What would you do if you had an extra minute to spare? Check out this playful look at the serious subject of global overpopulation and food shortages in this interactive film project The Test Tube with David Suzuki.

Brought to you by the National Film Board of Canada, they describe the experience as follows: "Lasting just a few minutes,The Test Tube with David Suzuki takes a playful look at global overpopulation and food shortages. The visitor is “placed” in a test tube as a bacterium. It starts with a simple question: 'We know you’re busy, but if you could find an extra minute right now, what would you do?' Those who answer are addressed by the Canadian scientist and environmental activist David Suzuki. Since 1971, Suzuki has been dedicating himself to combating the consequences of climate change – in both his scientific work and his activities as a radio and television personality. While Suzuki explains his analogy of a test tube slowly filling with bacteria for our increasingly overpopulated planet, we see the screen gradually fill with digital bacteria. Clicking on individual bacteria reveals messages from other people who answered the initial question. It turns out we are not as unique as we might like to think."

The short film is a blend of animation and live action like you've likely not experienced before. Take some time to check it out along with the cool interactive features of the site. If you had an extra minute, what would you choose to do?

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