Monday, July 26, 2010

Looking Back

People choose to live a greener lifestyle in a myriad of ways. Perhaps you start recycling more, buy organic vegetables at the Farmer's Market, ride your bike instead of drive or carry reusable bags to the supermarket. Taking things further, some people become "flexitarians" (skipping meat once a week) or even vegetarians, purchase clothing made from organic fibers, buy everything locally-made and grow their own vegetable garden.

Even after you consider all these options, there is still so much to learn and try. Living close to the Earth and all her creatures is a lifelong occupation! After all, we're all part of the interdependent web of life and we need to do our best to get along together.

One major source of inspiration for how to live in the future can be looking back at the past. How did our human ancestors, no matter when or where they lived, meet their daily needs? You don't have to look too far back before you find that almost everything people used for survival was local and all of it was  organic - there weren't any other options! 

Over the next month, we'll turn back the clock and let the past inspire us. How did people once survive and thrive on the land that is now Chippewa Nature Center? After all, people have lived here for about 10,000 years - there's bound to be something we can learn!

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