It's spring! The weather is warming up, days are getting longer and bike commuting isn't just for die-hards any more. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time to dust off your spokes, pump up your tires and hop on one of the cleanest (and cheapest) modes of transportation around. It's time to ride your bike!
I hooked up a simple little bike computer last spring and had lots of fun logging my miles through the spring, summer and fall. In all, your friendly "blog-master" logged more than 1,000 miles last year, mostly riding back and forth to work nearly every day. My route took me down city streets until I reached the Tridge, where I hopped on the Chippewa Trail for the last 3.8 miles to the Nature Center.
Every day, I got at least one hour of exercise built right into my schedule just going back and forth to work. If there was less than a 50-60% chance of rain, I rode. Sometimes I got wet, but I never melted and just wiped down the bike when I got home. My car often sat idle in the driveway and I only filled up the tank once every couple of weeks (gas was more than $4.00 a gallon last summer!)

Wildlife, especially along Chippewa Trail, was amazing. One morning, I came around the corner to see a doe nursing her fawn right on the edge of the trail. As I slowly approached, she jumped away and the little guy sat still in the grass, trying to blend in. Until you start spending time outdoors every day you just don't realize how many birds, frogs and other critters are all around us, always!
Sure, there are also some inconveniences. Insects can be troublesome sometimes, so I learned to wear sunglasses when I ride. A set of lights (front and rear) and reflective clothing help keep me visible to drivers. But when you build this routine into your day, you just adapt to a new way of doing things. Try it out, you'll be amazed at how it enriches your life!
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