In that spirit, we hope you enjoy perusing the archive of articles and links on live green...naturally and check out our trail map and other information here. For up-to-date information, trail conditions, photo sharing, and to ask a question of CNC staff, please visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/cncmidland.
For the most complete source of information about Chippewa Nature Center, visit our Home Page at http://www.chippewanaturecenter.org. Here, you'll find a yearly program calendar, information about facilities, hours, directions, newsletters, checklists, affiliate groups, and MUCH more!
As always, if you have a question, comment or concern, please feel free to give us a call at 989.631.0830 or stop by the Visitor Center and chat with us in person. Our facilities are open year round, seven days a week and are free to the public.
Visitor Center Hours: 8am-5pm (M-F), 9am-5pm (Sat), 1-5pm (Sun)
Building closed Thanksgiving & Christmas Day.
Trails open dawn-to-dark every day
No pets, please
Many thanks to all of you who make Chippewa Nature Center a part of your lives. We hope to see you on the trail, on the river, and in the Visitor Center as you Venture Out into the wonderful world of nature!