Spring is a great time of year to grab your camera or a pair of binoculars and head outdoors to enjoy the natural beauty that is appearing all around us every day.
When choosing binoculars consider how well they fit your hands, eyes and of course, pocketbook. Numbers such as “8X42,” refer to the magnification (first number) and field of view (second number), or how much area can be seen. To choose the best ones for you, "field-test” binoculars indoors first by looking at small type on distant signs, items of similar color, and poorly-lit areas. Ask yourself “field” questions, such as: Do they fit your hands? Are they light enough to hold up to your eyes for a while? Can you focus quickly, and on something nearby, or only on distant objects?
There are many great articles and reviews online with expert advice to help you choose the best pair for your needs. For more information, check out
this review at Bird Watcher's Digest or feel free to call a Chippewa Nature Center Naturalist at (989) 631-0830.